Primary Color Music started in 2015 as a rag-tag team of Kansas City-based rock-and-rollers-turned-composers, poised to create the first custom music house in the area.
Quickly growing in notoriety in the commercial world by composing for brands like Wendy's, Gatorade, and Puma, their team developed rapidly in their first few years to include producers and composers on the ground both in Kansas City and Tokyo, Japan.
As their portfolio continued expanding into the Asian market including global clients like McDonald's, Google, and Coca-Cola, they decided it was time to strengthen their adventure by branching out to cover the entire audio realm with two new arms of the company - The Post Haus runs post-audio with a team of major-market sound engineer veterans at the helm and The Garden is a stock music library curated meticulously from Primary Color Music's surplus of choice tracks.
Primary Color Musicは、2015年にカンザス市出身の寄せ集めの元ロックンローラ上がりの作曲家たちが意気投合し、その地域で初のカスタム音楽会社音楽制作会社を設立。
アジア市場で成長するにつれ、McDonald’s、Google、Coca-Colaなどのグローバルクライアントの仕事も増えるようになり、音楽会社の領域を拡大していくことに。業界ベテランエンジニアチームが舵を取るオーディオの編集室のThe Post Haus、Primary Color Musicの数多くのトラックから綿密に厳選されたストック・ミュージック・ライブラリーのThe Gardenの2つの事業を展開。